Exhibitor: Display Information:
Barnes & Noble Books Lincoln, "O" Street Weather books
Fema Region VII Storm Safety Information
Heartland REACT Storm Spotting; Emergency Communications
High Plains Regional Climate Center Climate Data and information for the High Plains
Lincoln Amateur Radio Club Storm spotters and emergency communications
Lancaster County Emergency Services All-year Communications center for storm events
NASA Earth Science posters and information
National Drought Mitigation Center Climate information
National Weather Service (Omaha/Valley) Weather information and brochures
Nebraska Emergency Management Safety Information; Disaster assistance Info.
Nebraska Earth Science Education Network Weather and science education resource 
Nebraska Game and Parks Special Weather and Climate Magazine
Skywarn Amateur Radio Association Communications between NWS & spotter groups
Storm Track-Tim Marshall Severe storm magazines, videos, information.
The Weather Channel Weather Education
Time Warner Cable-Cablevision Weather Education
TRW Weather Forecast Products
UNL Meteorology Club Student meteorologists at UNL
UNL Air force ROTC Air Force Weather related careers
Weather Explorer Scout Post  Only Scout Post Dedicated to weather
Windy City Weather-Tom Bobula Weather related items of all types for sale
Special Events:
KFOR Radio (live broadcast)  
KLKN; KOLN/KGIN; KMTV-TV TV Meteorologists Meet the public
National Weather Service Balloon Launch Mid day demonstration of upper atmosphere measurement

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